AWP 2015 Collage of Pics
I had a great time at AWP this year, though it was exhausting as well. Here are some pics capturing some fun moments. 2015 Minneapolis with Cliff Garstang at Press 53 reading w/ Kevin Morgan Watson with David Atkinson [...]
I had a great time at AWP this year, though it was exhausting as well. Here are some pics capturing some fun moments. 2015 Minneapolis with Cliff Garstang at Press 53 reading w/ Kevin Morgan Watson with David Atkinson [...]
Those of us who have the pleasure of knowing and reading Rusty Barnes are completely aware of what a talented writer he is, and I better just say it right off—I'm a long-time fan. His fiction is gritty and human, his setting as real as it comes. Especially in this high-stakes novel Reckoning, set in [...]
By Bonnie ZoBell Why isn't "Rusty Barnes" a household name? Is it because he doesn't schmooze the right people or because he isn't semi-nude in his author's photo? Or maybe it's because he doesn't write about the beautiful people. The characters in Rusty Barnes' outrageously good story collection Mostly Redneck (Sunnyoutside Press) wouldn't be caught dead [...]