

About Bonnie ZoBell

Bonnie ZoBell's linked collection, What Happened Here: a novella & stories, was published by Press 53 on May 3, 2014. Her chapbook, The Whack-Job Girls, was published by Monkey Puzzle Press in March of 2013. She has won an NEA and other awards for her fiction, currently teaches at San Diego Mesa College, and is working on a novel. Visit her at

Guest Post: James Claffey’s Writing Process

2020-03-19T18:07:45-07:00By |Bonnie ZoBell Blog, Guest Blogs|

My Writing Process Written by James Claffey Today I’m taking part in the #MyWritingProcessTour. It’s so interesting and instructive to see how other writers  go about their work. My friend and Press 53 fellow, Bonnie ZoBell, nominated me.  Her book, What Happened Here is an engrossing, brilliant book about fictional people and events centered on the actual Pacific Southwest [...]

From Printed Page to Moving Picture – Looking into Book Trailers, Part 2

2021-01-30T12:29:53-08:00By |Bonnie ZoBell Blog, Fiction Chapbook Series|

Part of an ongoing series by Bonnie ZoBell, entitled "Creating and Publishing a Flash Chapbook.This originally appeared in Flash Fiction Chronicles. by Bonnie ZoBell Welcome to Part Two of From Printed Page to Moving Picture – Looking into Book Trailers In the first part of this series, I shared my journey of making a book [...]

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